ZEuS - Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien

Since 1998, the Europa-Institut has published the legal journal “Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien” (ZEuS). ZEuS is broad in scope: contributions deal with current and general problems in European integration as well as European and international law.

ZEuS offers the opportunity to publish in German and English, thereby providing an internationally established forum for articles from the academic as well as the practical field.

It is particularly important for ZEuS that young academics may contribute to the journal. The examination and selection of contributions occurs via an extensive and thorough evaluation procedure (peer review) and is done independently by two members of the editorial team.

Special editions 2016 & 2021

Information on the ZEuS special editions Asyl und Migration in Europa - rechtliche Herausforderungen und Perspektiven (2016) and „Europa lässt sich nicht mit einem Schlag herstellen“ – 70 Jahre Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes (2021) can be found HERE.


Complete Archive

All information on the published issues can be found on the website of the publisher Nomos.

Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg
Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess
Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich
Prof. Dr. Michael Hahn
Prof. Dr. Torsten Stein

Founding Editor
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Georg Ress

Managing Editor
Bianca Böhme

Editorial Staff

Dieter Lang LL.M., Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bröhmer, Dr. Christian von Buttlar LL.M., Prof. Dr. Iris Canor, Karoline Dołgowski Master II en droit, Dr. Mareike Fröhlich LL.M., Dr. Oskar Gstrein LL.M., Prof. Dr. Robin van der Hout LL.M., André Husheer, Dr. Helen Küchler, Prof. Dr. Maria Meng-Papantoni, Prof. Dr. Zlatan Meskic, Dr. Kristina Müller, Prof. Dr. Alexander Proelß, Dr. Philipp Reinhold, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Richter, Rüdiger Sailer, Dr. Anne Thies LL.M., Dr. Anja Trautmann LL.M., Sebastian Ramelli LL.M., Dr. Pieter Van Vaerenbergh LL.M. 

Proof Reading
Lisa Landes

Editorial Program
The editorial program of ZEuS includes contributions on current problems of European integration, European law as well as international law and their constitutional relations.

Author Guidelines

Please e-mail manuscripts directly, as Word documents, to: zeus(at)europainstitut.de. If you prefer to post us your manuscript, please save the Word-processed text to a CD and address it to:

Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes
FAO the managing editor
Postfach 15 11 50
D-66041 Saarbrücken

We do not accept any responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts; any manuscripts submitted to us are generally not returned. In accepting the submitted manuscript for publication, the editors acquire all rights from the author, in particular the right of reproduction for commercial purposes and for publication on the Internet. All contributions to ZEuS reflect the authors' personal opinion and not that of ZEuS' editorial staff

ZEuS is published quarterly and offers a diverse agenda with topical commentaries on current aspects and fundamental problems connected with European Integration, European law and international law.

All information on current pricing and subscribing can be found on the website of the Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

ZEuS now Open Access!

As of January 1, 2024, ZEuS has transitioned to a fully open-access platform! 

Find out about the articles dealing with International and European Law at the ZEuS Homepage. Our first open-access issue is set to launch in March 2024, but you can already explore a range of texts currently available for free.

Why Open Access?

  • 🌍 Worldwide Accessibility: Ensuring global reach and impact.
  • 🔍 Enhanced Visibility: Amplifying the dissemination of your research.
  • 🚀 Accelerated Collaboration: Fostering academic and professional networking.



We invite interested scholars and practitioners in any field of International or European Law to submit a manuscript to the Journal of European Legal Studies (Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, ZEuS).

Manuscripts can be submitted in English or German and should have no more than 12.000 words. Young scholars and practitioners are also encouraged to submit manuscripts to be included in one of the first issues of 2023.

ZEuS is an established journal, which publishes topical contributions in the fields of International and European Law for over 25 years. It is indexed at Scopus and in process of being indexed at Web of Science. Manuscripts should be submitted to zeus@europainstitut.de. The submitted manuscripts will then go through a double-blind peer review (around 6 weeks), before the editorial board adopts the decision to publish a contribution.

In case of any questions, you can contact the managing editor, Bianca Böhme, at zeus@europainstitut.de.

Access to the texts of ZEuS is available via this link.

For more information, visit our site at Nomos

Universität des Saarlandes
Bianca Böhme, LL.M.                      
Postfach 15 11 50
D-66041 Saarbrücken

Phone: 0681 | 302-6653
Fax: 0681 | 302-4879
E-Mail: zeus@europainstitut.de



Year 2024 Issue 2; ISSN 1435-439X
Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft

Theresa Mainusch, Alle Macht der EU-Kommission: Ist die zentralisierte Durchsetzung des Digital Markets Acts alternativlos?

Kalojan Hoffmeister, The Dawn of Regulated AI: Analyzing the European AI Act and its Global Impact

Jan Helge Brask Pedersen, The EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Schrems Saga: Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Alexia Crivoi, EU FDI Screening - Level Up in Multilevel Governance?