The European Documentation Centre (EDC) at the library of the Europa-Institut supports you since 1972 with information on all policy areas of the European Union.
The EDC is an EU library, archive and information centre in one. As a point of contact for science and the region, the EDC offers you documents, publications and sources of information from and about the European Union (EU). In addition, the EDC researches, advises and provides information on all areas of the EU.
EU documents and databases
Fact Sheets on the European Union
Fields of activity of the European Union
Cordis (reasearch information service)
Curia (Case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union)
Eur-Lex (Legal acts of the European Union)
EuroVoc (multilingual thesaurus of the European Union)
HUDOC (European Court of Human Rights)
OEIL (EP, Legislative Observatory)
open portal for European data (access to open data of the European Union)
Rapid (Press releases of the European Commission)
Lists of acronyms and glossaries
Glossary (summary of the legislation)
Interactive Terminology of Europe (IATE)
Official documents of the EU Institutions
Official Journal of the European Union
Database Intellectual Property
Documents of the European Economic and Social Committee
DORIE (Documentation and Research on the European Institutional Matters)
Opinions of the European Committee of the Regions
Press releases of the European Commission
Negotiations of the European Parliament
EU Institutions | European Institutions
Institutions of the European Union
Search all EU institutions and bodies
European Committee of the Regions
EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Court of Justice of the European Union
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
European Institutions
Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE)
European Court of Human Rights
EU Careers
Europe in Saarland
European Libraries
Fast alle Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union werden in der Zentralbibliothek der Europäischen Kommission gesammelt. Der Bestand der 1958 gegründeten Bibliothek bietet somit einen historischen und aktuellen Überblick über die europäische Integration und kann über den Katalog der Zentralbibliothek (ECLAS) recherchiert werden.
Die European Library ermöglicht die Suche in den Beständen der europäischen Nationalbibliotheken.
Die virtuelle europäische Bibliothek Europeana bietet Links zu 6 Millionen digitalen Objekten wie Bilder, Fotografien, Texte, Tonaufnahmen und Videos.
Bibliotheken und Archive (EUROPA-Server)
- Library and E-Resources Centre
- Europäische Kommission
- Europäisches Parlament (European Parliamentary Research Service)
Historische Archive: Europäische Union (EUI); Kommission; Parlament
Gesamtkatalog der Kommissionsbibliotheken:
EUROLIB (Informationen zur Zusammenarbeit der Bibliotheken der EU Institutionen)
Please contact the library team during our opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Library of the Europa-Institut
European Documentation Centre
Saarland University
Campus Building B2 1
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49 (0)681/302-2543 und -6695
Fax: +49 (0)681/302-6698
E-mail: bibliothek(at)europainstitut.de