EVER is very keen to cooperate with current students, as well as with former ones. Students are given the opportunity to actively support the association's work from the moment they begin their studies at the Institute, so as to encourage early access to our lively network of alumni.
Your decision to become an EVER member will surely be rewarded with the establishment of useful contacts for the future!
The annual membership fee currently amounts to 25 Euros; membership for the year directly following graduation from the Europa-Institut is free!
Excerpt from our Constitution - § 3: Membership
§3: Membership:
(1) The following persons may become members of our association:
- former students who successfully completed the advanced study program European Integration or a former equivalent study program;
- Ph.D. students and trainee lawyers under the German system of legal training ("Rechtsreferendare"), provided that they were mentored at the Europa-Insitut;
- academic staff of the Faculty of Law and Economics at Saarland University, including former lecturers of the Europa-Insitut.
(2) Other natural and legal persons, as well as associations of individuals, may be admitted as supporting members. In order to participate in the general meeting, legal persons and associations of individuals are required to appoint a representative to the board.
(3) Each member has one vote. Application for admission needs to be addressed to the board in writing. The board decides on admission in consultation with the advisory board. Where admission is denied, the decision can be appealed before the general meeting. The general meeting can appoint honorary members and honorary chairmen.
(4) Membership ends upon resignation or exclusion from the association. Resignations have to be addressed to the board in writing and become effective at the end of the respective business year. The board, subject to approval of the advisory board, can enunciate the expulsion of a member where weighty reasons exist. The respective member is heard in advance. The decision on exclusion can be appealed before the general meeting by the concerned person. The general meeting decides on the appeal with simple majority of the votes cast.
How to become a member
We will be happy to send you an application for membership upon request. Please send a request to ever(at)europainstitut.de.

Objectives & Constitution
By means of numerous activities, the alumni association aims to:
- encourage the establishment of a network of Europa-Institut graduates;
- secure the mutual exchange of information even after completion of the advanced study program;
- keep in contact with students of the Europa-Institut; and
- support the academic opportunities on offer at the Europa-Insitut.
In addition, EVER unites current and former students of different nationalities, transcending professional and geographic limits, and thus constituting a forum for intercommunication that complements the study program and in itself contributes to international understanding worldwide.