Joint project between 21 faculties from universities in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Europa-Institut within the framework of the program “Strengthening cooperation with civil society in Eastern Partnership countries and Russia” offered by the German Federal Foreign Office.
The overall goal of the project is the development of a common, cross-border network of legal faculties with 21 partners (4 ARM, 1 AZE, 5 GEO, 5 MDA, 5 UKR, 1 BLR) who are highly interested in a cooperation with the aim to cooperate across national borders in teaching and research especially in the field of European and International Law. A 4-day networking forum will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, in November 2019 to create the basis for the establishment of such a network.
Yerevan State University
- Faculty of Law
French University in Armenia (UFAR)
- Faculty of Law
Brusov State University
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies
Russian-Armenian University
- Faculty of Law