Saarland University, its Faculty of Law, the Europa-Institut and the alumni association EVER e.V. mourn the loss of
University Professor Dr. Torsten Stein
*31 December 1944 †21 June 2024
Saarland University, the Faculty of Law and its Europa-Institut have lost Torsten Stein, long-standing director of the Europa-Institut and an outstanding personality in research and teaching in European and international law. We mourn the loss of a highly esteemed colleague, advisor and friend who will be greatly missed. We thank him for his great commitment to the University and the Faculty in Saarbrücken and abroad.
We remember an academic and teacher who left his mark far beyond Germany on all those who had the privilege of working with him. He shaped students and staff for decades and paved the way for their successful careers. His loyalty and humor will remain unforgotten.
Professor Dr. Ludger Santen, President of Saarland University
Professor Dr. Christoph Gröpl, Dean of the Faculty of Law
University Professor Dr. Marc Bungenberg and University Professor Dr. Thomas Giegerich, Directors of the Europa-Institut
On behalf of the alumni association EVER e.V. and the team of the Europa-Institut
Managing director Julia Legleitner and Deputy Managing Director Claudia Schäffner
In Memoriam Prof. Dr. Torsten Stein (1944 - 2024)

A person who was at home in three worlds throughout his life: in the Heidelberg world between his family and the Max Planck Institute, in the Saarbrücken university world, especially in the European Institute, and - last but not least - in the entire (at least Spanish-speaking) world."
These are some of Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess' words with which he remembers Prof. Dr. Torsten Stein. The whole text (in German) can be found here.
Deutschlandstipendium in honor of Prof. Dr. Torsten Stein
We would like to maintain the existing named scholarship in honor of Prof. Dr. Torsten Stein in cooperation with the StudienStiftungSaar. With your donation this will also be possible in the future. The scholarship was initiated by the Europa-Institut together with students, former and current directors and employees as well as friends and supporters of the institute and supports talented and committed students of the Europa-Institut. It honors Professor Stein's many years of commitment to the Europa-Institut.
Please continue to support the "Deutschlandstipendium Torsten Stein" with a donation and thus support a student in the Master's program in European and International Law at the Europa-Institut. You can find more information on this in this flyer (in German).
Donate the desired amount by bank transfer or standing order to:
Saarbrücken Savings Bank
IBAN: DE49 5905 0101 0000 0880 88
Subject: Deutschlandstipendium Torsten Stein
Donations are tax deductible. For donations of up to 300 euros, a cash deposit slip or a booking confirmation from the bank is sufficient for the tax office. If you require a donation receipt, please include your address in the reason for payment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact förderer@studienstiftungsaar.de at any time.