Tuition fees
The tuition fees for the Master's program European and International Law are 3,400 Euro per Semester, 6,800 Euro for the academic year.
The tuition fees for the Master's program "European and International Law" cover tuition, the use of the institution library and the computer work space in the library. Moreover, paper copies as well as some extracurricular activities like day trips are covered by the fee, longer trips are partly subsidized (extra costs may arise!).
Accommodation, transport and board are however not included.
Social contribution, administrative charge and the General Student Committee fees
All students pay the social contribution, the administration fee and the General Student Committee fees before enrolling or re-registering. All information about the amount of the fee and its composition can be found on the Welcome Center's website: www.uni-saarland.de/en/study/organisation/fees/semester-fee.html
Upon payment of this fee, students receive an ID card ("UdS-Card") which, among other things, allows free use of almost all public transportation in Saarland for a period of six months. Further information on the "Semesterticket" can be found HERE and at the AStA (Saarland University Student Union).
Costs of living
A studio apartment in student accommodation or a room in a shared student house costs approximately 350 €, inclusive of additional charges and electricity. A telephone and internet connection is also frequently included, however not always!
Students should expect to spend approximately another 350 € on board, that is, food (there are many discount supermarket chains in Germany, such as Aldi, Lidl, Netto and Penny, where food can be bought at bargain prices; on the other hand, those not interested in cooking will not go hungry - affordable meals can be bought at the Mensa on the University campus), TV (please be aware that you must pay a TV and radio licence fee – more information on Rundfunkbeitrag here), mobile phone costs (several phone providers offer cheap prepaid phone cards), books, leisure activities, medicine etc.
Further information and a sample calculation of the cost of living can be found here: https://www.uni-saarland.de/en/global/welcome-center/preparing/financing/cost-of-living.html
Students often benefit from discounts, for example at the cinema and theatre and also, perhaps less expectedly, for subscriptions to magazines, train tickets or flights. It is always worth asking! Within Germany, presentation of your student ID Card will suffice, however if you are planning to go abroad you may wish to acquire an "International Student Identity Card" (ISIC). This identity card is recognized world-wide and opens the door to discounts in over 130 countries. It costs 15 EUR, is valid for a period of 12 months and can be purchased at student travel agents, student organisations and student unions.
More information on https://www.isic.de/home-en/
Das Bundesverwaltungsamt vergibt einen sogenannten Bildungskredit. Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen.
Auch Banken bieten mittlerweile sogenannte Bildungskredite, Studentenkredite oder auch Studiendarlehen an. Informieren Sie sich über mögliche Unterstützung bitte individuell bei Ihrer Bank.
Unter www.studienkredit.de finden Sie viele nützliche Informationen zu verschiedenen Studienkreditanbietern.
Deutsche Bildung AG:
Deutsche Bank:
Deutsche Kreditbank:
Häufig gibt es für Studierende Ermäßigungen beispielsweise im Kino oder im Theater, aber auch bei Zeitungsabonnements, Bahnfahrkarten oder Flugtickets. Nachfragen lohnt sich. In Deutschland genügt die Vorlage des Studierendenausweises. Für Reisen lohnt sich die Anschaffung einer International Student Identity Card (ISIC). Dieser Ausweis wird weltweit anerkannt und ermöglicht Ermäßigungen in über 130 Ländern. Er kostet 15 Euro, ist jeweils für 1 Jahr gültig und ist bei studentischen Reisebüros, Studierendenvertretungen und Studentenwerken erhältlich.
Mehr Informationen unter www.isic.de
Please note that the Europa-Institut itself does not award any scholarships. An application for any of the mentioned scholarships - also for the Deutschland-Stipendien - is the sole responsibility of the student and has to be initiated and completed individually by the student.
We have compiled an overview of selected scholarship programs for you to apply for. The following websites may help you to find scholarships:
- www.mystipendium.de
- www.stiftungen.org
- www.e-fellows.net
- www.vergleich.org/stipendium
- http://www.scholarshipportal.com/
- https://www.iefa.org/
- https://www.internationalstudent.com/scholarships/
- https://globalscholarships.com/
In your home country there is often a wide range of scholarships available from the respective governments or their foreign ministries. Please inform yourselves in time at the appropriate offices about the available offers.
There is also the possibility to apply for a scholarship in Germany. Please see the following selection of institutions or places to which you may apply.
Here can be found interesting articles on scholarships.
Application deadline expired! The application for a Deutschlandstipendium is only possible in June of each year. In 2025, you will again find information on how to apply for a Deutschlandstipendium here in good time before the start of the 2025/2026 academic year.
General information on the Deutschlandstipendium can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF - in German) and on the website of the StudienStiftungSaar.
Apply in time for a scholarship!
We would like to point out that last minute scholarship applications i.e. those made at the beginning or during your studies at the Europa-Institut, will not be successfull due to time constraints involved in the application process. Therefore, please inquire and apply for a scholarship in time!
Information on the respective application processes can be found on the homepage of the respective institutions:
European Commission
The European Commission offers scholarship for Master's degree students via Erasmus+.
More Information can be found on:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The DAAD offers scholarships to applicants of all nationalities. For more information see their database via https://www.daad.de/deutschland/stipendium/datenbank/en/21148-scholarship-database/
More information on scholarships for postgraduates can be found here: www.daad.de/go/de/stipa50026200.
More scholarship opportunities
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
or https://www.freiheit.org/scholarships-foreign-students-non-eu-countries-1
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw) gGmbH
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e.V.
Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD)
Avicenna-Studienwerk e.V.
Dr. Jost Henkel Stiftung
Evangelisches Studentenwerk e.V. Villigst: Europa-Stipendium