
Canor, Iris/Gidron, Tamar/Zandberg, Haya, Litigating human rights violations through tort law, in: Damages for violations of human rights: a comparative study of domestic legal systems, Heidelberg 2016, 193-215.

Canor, Iris, National constitutional identity and ordre public: an intradisciplinary analysis of European constitutional law and European private international law, in: Herausforderungen an Staat und Verfassung, 2015, S. 475-498.

Canor, Iris, Solange horizontal: der Schutz der EU-Grundrechte zwischen Mitgliedstaaten, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (ZaöRV) 2/2013, 249-294.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-43
Deutsch-Europäisches Juridicum: MS 3
SULB: Z 53-1100

Canor, Iris, My brother's keeper?, Common Market Law Review 2/2013, 383-422.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-2-2

Canor, Iris, The Role of the Preamble to the Treaty in the European Court of Justice's Jurisprudence - "... an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe", In: Meng/Ress/Stein (Hrsg.), Europäische Integration und Globalisierung, Festschrift zum 60-jährigen Bestehen des Europa-Instituts, 2011, 87 - 112
Europa-Institut: EF 25-84

Canor, Iris, The European courts and the Security Council: between dédoublement fonctionnel and balancing of values; three replies to Pasquale de sena and Maria Chiara Vitucci, EJIL 3/2009, 853-887.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-37

Canor, Iris, Exercise in constitutional tolerance? when public international law meets private international law: Bosphorus revisited, The shifting allocation of authority in international law 2008, 237-264.

Canor, Iris, European Court of Human Rights decision on right to withdraw consent to the storage and use of embryos: Evans v. United Kingdom, American journal of international law 1/2008, 128-134.

Canor, Iris, Occupation and the right of self-defence: coping with new challenges in international law, Äußere Sicherheit im Wandel 2005, 91-109.
Europa-Institut: EF 25-61

Canor, Iris, Harmonizing the European Community standard of judicial review? European public law 1/2002, 135-166.

Canor, Iris, Equality for lesbians and gay men in the European Community legal order: "They shall be male and female?", MJ 7/2000, 273-299.
Europa-Institut: Z 2-2-98

Canor, Iris, Primus inter pares: Who is the ultimate guardian of fundamental rights in Europe?, European law review 1/2000, 321.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-2-4

Canor, Iris, The limits of judicial discretion in the European Court of Justice: sexurity and foreign affairs issues, 1. Auflage, 1998.
Europa-Institut: EF 25-22

Canor, Iris, Verfassungsentwicklung und Rechtsprobleme in Israel, KAS-Auslands-Informationen 11/1996, 93-105.
Europa-Institut: Z 2-2-94