Track 2

Trade, Investment & International Dispute Settlement (Module 3&4)

Track 2 deals with international economic law in a global setting. It covers the legal framework for international trade, investment, and dispute resolution. A first pillar of the module examines the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO), in particular the main WTO agreements such as the GATT, GATS, TRIPS, and several more. A second pillar deals with international investment law, both at the substantive and procedural levels. A final pillar deals with the dispute resolution mechanisms in international economic law, in particular commercial and investment arbitration, mediation and negotiation.

Selection of courses offered (subject to change):

  • International Trade Law
  • GATS
  • Dispute Resolution Overview
  • Private International Law
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • International Investment Law
  • WTO Rules on Subsidies + Anti-Dumping
  • Trade and Environment, GATT, TBT and SPS
  • Enforcement in International Dispute Settlement
  • International Mediation