

Wuschka, Sebastian, TAX ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT ARBITRATION (edited jointly with Professor Robert J. Danon & Professor Andreas R. Ziegler – in preparation for 2023)


Wuschka, Sebastian, ZEIT UND INTERNATIONALES RECHT (2019), conference volume, 312 pages (edited jointly with Dr Felix Boor, Dr Stefan Lorenzmeier & Dr Isabella Risini)

Commentary Contributions 

Wuschka, Sebastian, ICSID Arbitration Rule 27 – Orders and Decisions (co-authored with Dr Richard Happ), in: R. Happ & S. Wilske, ICSID RULES AND REGULATIONS 2022 – ARTICLE-BY-ARTICLE COMMENTARY (2022)

Wuschka, Sebastian, ICSID Arbitration Rule 28 – Waiver (co-authored with Dr Richard Happ), in: R. Happ & S. Wilske, ICSID RULES AND REGULATIONS 2022 – ARTICLE-BY-ARTICLE COMMENTARY (2022)

Contributions to Journals and Edited Volumes 

Wuschka, Sebastian, Regime Interaction between International Humanitarian Law and International Investment Law - Counterproductive Norm Conflict or Rule-enhancing Symbiosis?” (co-authored with Dr Tobias Ackermann), YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW 25 (2022) (in preparation – accepted for publication).

Wuschka, Sebastian, The Applicability of Investment Treaties in the Context of Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine (co-authored with Dr Tobias Ackermann), ICSID REVIEW – FOREIGN INVESTMENT LAW JOURNAL 38:2 (2023), 453-471

Wuschka, Sebastian, EU Law and Investment Arbitration: Of Cooperation, Conflict and the EU Legal Order’s Autonomy (co-authored with Dr Richard Happ), in: A.K. Bjorklund, F. Ferrari & St. Kröll, CAMBRIDGE COMPENDIUM OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT ARBITRATION (2023), 2006-2055

Wuschka, Sebastian, Investment Protection in Post-Brexit EU-UK Relations, (co-authored with Laura Peters), ICSID REVIEW – FOREIGN INVESTMENT LAW JOURNAL 38:1 (2023), 39-53

Wuschka, Sebastian, International Investment Agreements and the International Tax System: The Potential of Complementarity and Harmonious Interpretation (co-authored with Professor Robert Danon), in: BULLETIN FOR INTERNATIONAL TAXATION (IBFD BULLETIN) 75 (2021), 687-703

Wuschka, Sebastian, Investment Tribunals Adjudicating Claims Relating to Occupied Territories: Curse or Blessing?, in: A. Duval & E. Kassoti, ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN OCCUPIED TERRITORIES: INTERNATIONAL, EU LAW AND BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS PERSPECTIVES (2020), 235-252

Wuschka, Sebastian, Procedural Aspects of the Obligation of Non-Recognition Before International Investment Tribunals, in: K. Fach Gómez, A. Gourgourinis & C. Titi, INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW AND THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT (EYIEL Special Issue, 2019), 129-151

Wuschka, Sebastian, Law as a Promise: Legitimate Expectations and Domestic Legislation (co-authored with Nikita Kondrashov), in: A.V. Asoskov, A.N. Zhiltsov & R.M. Khodykin, NEW HORIZONS OF INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: COLLECTION OF ARTICLES PRESENTED AT THE RUSSIAN ARBITRATION DAY – ISSUE 5 (2019), 424-463

Wuschka, Sebastian, Zeit und Internationales Recht – Vermessung der Veränderung (co-authored with Dr Felix Boor, Dr Stefan Lorenzmeier & Dr Isabella Risini), in: S. Wuschka, I. Risini, S. Lorenzmeier & F. Boor, ZEIT UND INTERNATIONALES RECHT (2019), 1-10

Wuschka, Sebastian, Investment Claims and Annexation of Territory: Where General International Law and Investment Law Collide?, in: M. Akbaba & G. Capurro, INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGES IN INVESTMENT LAW AND ARBITRATION (2018), 21-36

Wuschka, Sebastian, Investment Protection and the EU After Achmea, ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR EUROPARECHTLICHE STUDIEN (ZEUS) 21 (2018) 1, 25-46

Wuschka, Sebastian, From the Jay Treaty Commissions Towards a Multilateral Investment Court: Addressing the Enforcement Dilemma (co-authored with Dr Richard Happ), INDIAN JOURNAL OF ARBITRATION LAW 6 (2017) 1, 113-132

Wuschka, Sebastian, Das Investitionsschutzrecht: Rechtssicherheit für deutsche Investoren auf der Krim?, WIRTSCHAFT UND RECHT IN OSTEUROPA (WIRO) 26 (2017) 7, 193-196

Wuschka, Sebastian, Ein Investitionsgerichtshof – Der große Wurf der EU-Kommission?, ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR EUROPARECHTLICHE STUDIEN (ZEUS) 19 (2016) 2, 153-175

Wuschka, Sebastian, Horror Vacui: Why Investment Treaties Should Apply to Illegally Annexed Territories (coauthored with Dr Richard Happ), JOURNAL OF INT’L. ARBITRATION (JOIA) 33 (2016) 3, 245-268

Wuschka, Sebastian, Proportionality reloaded: Autonom agierende Drohnen und der Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz des Humanitären Völkerrechts, in: B. Baade et al., VERHÄLTNISMÄßIGKEIT IM VÖLKERRECHT (2016), 45-63

Wuschka, Sebastian, Investitionsschiedsverfahren: Individualrechtsschutz oder „anti-demokratische Herrschaft der Konzerne”?, in: S. Buszewski/H. Rathke/S. Martini, FREIHANDEL VS.DEMOKRATIE (2016), 15- 35

Wuschka, Sebastian, The Notion of Solidarity under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, in: A. Berramdane/K. Abderemane, UNION EUROPÉENNE – UNE EUROPE SOCIALE ET SOLIDAIRE? (2015), 79-84

Wuschka, Sebastian, The Use of Combat Drones in Current Conflicts – A Legal Issue or a Political Problem?, GÖTTINGEN JOURNAL OF INT’L.LAW (GOJIL) 3 (2011) 3, 891-905

Case Comments 

Wuschka, Sebastian, Durch Annexion „internationalisierte“ Investitionen – eine Anomalie im Investitionsschutzrecht?, Anmerkung zu Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, Urteil v. 16.10.2018 – 4A_396/2017, SCHIEDSVZ / GERMAN ARBITRATION JOURNAL 17 (2019) 2, 93-100

Wuschka, Sebastian, Case Comment: Tribunal Declines to Exercise Jurisdiction in Philip Morris v. Australia (coauthored with Dr Richard Happ), SCHIEDSVZ / GERMAN ARBITRATION JOURNAL 14 (2016) 4, 226- 233

Blog Entries and Smaller Contributions 

Wuschka, Sebastian, Of Legal Creativity and Plausibility of Rights – The ICJ’s Order on Provisional Measures in Ukraine v. Russia (co-authored with Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan), Völkerrechtsblog (4 April 2022),

Wuschka, Sebastian, Das Ende der Freundschaft: Zum IGH-Beschluss vom 3.10.2018 (Iran v. USA), BOFAX 512D (5 October 2018),

Wuschka, Sebastian, Schiedsgericht verurteilt Russland wegen Enteignungen auf der Krim, BOFAX 505D (11 May 2018),

Wuschka, Sebastian, Erste Krim-Investitionsschiedsklagen nehmen die Zuständigkeitshürde, BOFAX 493D (28 March 2017),

Wuschka, Sebastian, Moot Courts in der Lehre des internationalen Rechts – eine kritische Würdigung (coauthored with Isabella Risini), Völkerrechtsblog (7 March 2016),

Wuschka, Sebastian, Ein Investitionsgerichtshof für TTIP und Co. – Der große Wurf der EU-Kommission?, JuWissBlog (21 December 2015),

Wuschka, Sebastian, Investitionsschiedsverfahren: Individualrechtsschutz oder „anti-demokratische Konzernherrschaft”?, Völkerrechtsblog (20 April 2015), 

Wuschka, Sebastian, Proportionality Assessments under IHL – A Human Thing?, Völkerrechtsblog (13 April 2015), 

Wuschka, Sebastian, Die „neue“ US-Drohnenstrategie aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht, BOFAX 429D (10 June 2013),