
          Monographien | Monographs

          Scheu, Julian, Systematische Berücksichtigung von Menschenrechten in Investitionsschiedsverfahren, Baden-Baden, 2017.

          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-153
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          Scheu, Julian, Creation and Implementation of a Multilateral Investment Court, Baden-Baden, 2022.
          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-232
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          Scheu, Julian/Hofmann, Rainer/Schill, Stephen W./Tams, Christian J. (eds.), Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times, Baden-Baden, 2022.
          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-240
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          Scheu, Julian/Hobe, Stephan, Evolution, Evaluation and Future Developments in International Investment Law, Proceedings of the 10 Year Anniversary Conference of the International Investment Law Centre Cologne, Baden-Baden, 2021.
          Europa-Insitut: BB 30-2-218
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          Scheu, Julian/Griebel, Jörn/Hölken, Christoph, Digest of International Investment Jurisprudence (Online-Datenbank), Köln, 2008.
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          Scheu, Julian, Art 8.31 (Applicable law and interpretation), in: Bungenberg/Reinisch (Hrsg.), CETA Investment Law - Article-by-Article Commentary, Baden-Baden, 2021, S. 695-728.
          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-227
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          Scheu, Julian/Hobe, Stephan, Art 8.24 (Proceedings under another international agreement), in: Bungenberg/Reinisch (Hrsg.), CETA Investment Law - Article-by-Article Commentary, Baden-Baden, 2021, S. 546-557.
          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-227
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          Scheu, Julian/Tams, Christian, Art 66 (Settlement of disputes), 67 (Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession), 68 (Entry into force), 69 (Amendment), 70 (Denunciation), 71 (Depositary and languages), in: Kubiciel/Landwehr/Rose (Hrsg.), The United Nations Convention Against Corruption: A Commentary, Oxford, 2019, S. 647-676.
          Europa-Institut: CA 2-4-124

          Scheu, Julian, Effektiver Rechtsschutz und Eigentumsgarantie im System der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention: Zum Verhältnis und Zusammenspiel von Art. 6 Abs. 1, Art. 13 und Art. 1 ZP-1 EMRK, in: Donath/Heger/Malkmus/Bayrak (Hrsg.), Der Schutz des Individuums durch das Recht : Festschrift für Rainer Hofmann zum 70. Geburtstag, Berlin, 2023, S. 791-803.
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          Scheu, Julian/Adekemi, Afolabi, Consistency and Correctness in Arbitral Decision-Making – Is the UNCITRAL Reform Process Paving the Way for an Appellate Mechanism in ISDS?, in: Bungenberg, Marc (ed.), Jean Monnet Papers, 1/2023.
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          Scheu, Julian/Jochem,Jana, Fortgeschrittenenklausur - Öffentliches Recht: Versammlungsrecht - Versammlung und Einkesselung, in: Juristische Schulung (JuS) 2022,4, S. 330-335.
          DEJ: AZ 200

          Scheu, Julian/Hofmann, Rainer/Schill, Stephan/Tams, Christian, Introduction, in: Scheu, Julian/Hofmann,Rainer/Schill,Stephan/Tams, Christian (Hrsg.), Investment Protection, Human Rights, and International Arbitration in Extraordinary Times, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 19-35.
          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-240
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          Scheu, Julian, The Idea of a Multilateral Investment Court in the Rise, Crisis, and Reform of International Investment Law, in: Scheu (Hrsg.), Creation and Implementation of a Multilateral Investment Court, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 27-49.
          Europa-Institut: BB 30-2-232
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          Scheu, Julian/Bungenberg, Marc, Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement – Current State of Play at UNCITRAL, in: Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS), 25.2022,1 S. 15-74.
          Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-36
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          Scheu, Julian, § 14 - Liberalisierung von Investitionen, in: Kübek/Tams/Terhechte (Hrsg.), Handbuch zum Handels- und Zusammenarbeitsabkommen EU/VK, Baden-Baden, 2022, S. 297-319.
          Europa-Institut: EI 1-6-161

          Scheu, Julian/Nikolov, Petyo, Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunals to Settle Intra-EU Investment Treaty Disputes, in: ICSID Review - Foreign Investment Law Journal, 36.2021,1 S. 171–188.
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          Scheu, Julian/Jochem,Jana, Examensübungsklausur Öffentliches Recht: Geburtstagsfeier unter dem „Sternenhimmel“, in:  Zeitschrift für das Juristische Studium (ZJS), 2021,5, S. 609-617.
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          Scheu, Julian, Separate Opinions: Investment Arbitration, in: Ruiz Fabri (Hrsg.), Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law, Oxford, 2021.

          Scheu, Julian/Kulick, Andreas, Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards in Germany, in: Fouret (Hrsg.), Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards, Woking, 2021, S. 385-400.
          Europa-Institut: HApp 15

          Scheu, Julian et al., Arbeitspapier Digitale Bildung der Universität zu Köln, 2021.
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          Scheu, Julian/Nikolov, Petyo, The Setting Aside and Enforcement of Intra-EU Investment Arbitration Awards After Achmea, in: Arbitration International, 36.2020,2 S. 253-274.
          Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-12
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          Scheu, Julian/Nikolov, Petyo, The Incompatibility of Intra-EU Investment Treaty Arbitration With European Union Law – Assessing the Scope of the ECJ’S Achema Judgement, in: German Yearbook of International Law, 62.2019 S. 475–504.
          Europa-Institut: AV 3-35

          Scheu, Julian/Hobe, Stephan/ Popova, Rada/ Bajjati, Hussaine El, The Protection of Satellite Telecommunications Activities Under Bilateral Investment Treaties, in: The Journal of World Investment & Trade, 19.2018,5-6, S. 1024-1058.
          Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-14
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          Scheu, Julian, Trust Building, Balancing and Sanctioning - Three Pillars of a Systemic Approach to Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration, Georgetown Journal of International Law, 48.2017,2 S. 449-504.

          Wewerinke-Singh, Margaretha, State Responsibility, Climate Change and Human Rights under International Law, in: Bungenberg et al. (Hrsg.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law, Cham, 2020, S. 431-437.

          Gildemeister, Arno E., L’arbitrage des différends fiscaux en droit international des investissements, in: Journal of World Investment & Trade 15.2014,5-6, S. 1119–1126.
          Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-14
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