Wissenschaftliche Aufsätze und Buchbeiträge | Articles in Journals and Collective Volumes
Quick, Reinhard/Das, I., Can Paris Strike Back? On the Paris Agreement’s Inability to Cope with Unilateral Trade-related Carbon Measures Such as the European Commission’s CBAM Proposal, in: Bronckers, M./Baetens, F./van den Bogaert, S (eds.), The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2023, pp. 72 - 102.
Europa-Institut: BB 2-2-43
Quick, Reinhard, Carbon Border Adjustment, A dissenting view on its alleged GATT-compatibility, in: Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, ZEuS 4/2020, pp. 549 – 596.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-36
Quick, Reinhard/Gerhäuser, A., EU Trade Policy After Opinion 2/15: Internal and External Threats to Broad and Comprehensive FTAs, in: Hahn, M./Van der Loo, G. (eds.), Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy: The first 10 years after the Treaty of Lisbon, ,Leiden/Boston, 2020, pp. 486 - 511.
Quick, Reinhard/Gerhäuser, A., The ratification of CETA and other trade policy challenges after Opinion 2/15, in: Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, ZEuS 4/2019, pp. 505 – 528.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-36
Quick, Reinhard/Petter, B., The Politics of TDI and the Different Views in EU Member States – Necessary Safety-Valve or Luxurious Rent-Seeking Device?, in: Bungeberg, M./Hahn, M./Herrmann, C./Müller-Ibold, T. (eds.). EYIEL Special Issue The Future on Trade Defens Instruments, Basel, 2018, pp. 17 – 42.
Europa-Institut: AV 3-25,(SI)
Quick, Reinhard, Warum wir ISDS in TTIP brauchen, in: Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, ZEuS 3/2015, pp. 277-294.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-36
Quick, Reinhard, Why TTIP Should Have An Investment Chapter Including ISDS, in: 49 Journal of World Trade, Volume 2, 2015, pp.199 – 209.
Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-4
Quick, Reinhard, Do We Need Trade and Environment Negotiations or Has the Appellate Body Done the Job?, in: 47 Journal of World Trade, Volume 5, 2013, pp. 957-983.
Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-4
Quick, Reinhard, Grenzmaßnahmen oder Maßnahmen an der Grenze: die Unterscheidung zwischen Art. III und Art. II (XI) GATT dargestellt an der Ausdehnung des Emissionshandels auf Importe, in: Meng, W./Ress, G./Stein, T. (eds.), Europäische Integration und Globalisierung, Festschrift zum 60-jährigen Bestehen des Europa-Institus, Baden-Baden, 2011, 393 - 411.
Europa-Institut: EF 25-84
Quick, Reinhard, Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation on Chemicals – An Idealist’s Dream? in: Evenett, S./Stern, R. (eds.), Systemic Implications of Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation and Competition, Singapur, 2011, pp.241.
Europa-Institut: BB 2-6-9
Quick, Reinhard/Schmülling, U., A New Approach to Preferences: The Review of the European GSP-Scheme, in: Snyder, J., Global Trade and Customs Issue, Volume 6, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011.
Quick, Reinhard/Brouder, A., Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, in: Tietje, C./Brouder, A., Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes, Leiden, 2009, pp. 1071-1081.
Quick, Reinhard, Border Tax Adjustment to Combat Carbon Leakage: A Myth, in: Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volume 4, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2009, pp. 353 - 357.
Quick, Reinhard, Zur Vereinbarkeit von REACH mit den WTO-Vorschriften für den Handel mit Gütern, Zeitschrift für Stoffrecht (StoffR), 3/2008, pp. 134-142.
Quick, Reinhard, Das Komitologie-Verfahren, Zeitschrift für Stoffrecht (StoffR), 2/2008, S. 85-90.
Quick, Reinhard, Further liberalisation of trade in chemicals - can the DDA deliver?, in: Hohmann, H. (ed.), Agreeing and implementing the Doha Round of the WTO, Cambridge, 2008.
Quick, Reinhard, Regulatory cooperation: A subject of bilateral trade negotiations or even for the WTO?, in: Journal of World Trade 42/2008, pp. 391-406.
Quick, Reinhard, ’Border Tax Adjustment’ in the Context of Emission Trading: Climate Protection or ‘Naked’ Protectionism? in: Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volume 3, 2008, pp. 163 - 175.
Quick, Reinhard, Zur Vereinbarkeit von REACH mit den WTO-Vorschriften für den Handel mit Gütern, in: Hendler/Marburger/Reiff/Schröder (eds.), Neues euroüöisches Chemikalienrecht (REACH), 2008.
Quick, Reinhard, Business in Economic Diplomacy in: Bayne, N./Woolcock, S. (eds.), The New Economc Diplomacy, Decision-Making and Negotiations in International Economic Relations, 2nd edition, Farnham/Burlington, 2007, pp. 105.
Quick, Reinhard, Regulatorische Zusammenarbeit: ein Thema für bilaterale Handelsverhandlungen oder gar nicht für die WTO?, in: ZEuS 3/2007, Baden-Baden, pp. 333-351.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-36
Quick, Reinhard, Further Liberalisation of Trade in Chemicals – Can the DDA Deliver? A Summary of the Chemical Industry`s Position on Doha Development Agenda, in: Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volume I, 2006, pp. 1 - 19.
Quick, Reinhard/Lau, C., Environmentally Motivated Tax Distinctions and WTO Law: The European Commission’s Green Paper on Integrated Product Policy in Light of the ‘Like Product-’ and ‘PPM-’ Debates, in: Journal of International Economic Law (2), 2003, pp. 419 - 458.
Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-6
Quick, Reinhard, The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Trade, Environment and the Role of NGOs, in: Journal of World Intellectual Property, Volume 4, 2001, pp. 281.
Quick, Reinhard, Kreativer Unilateralismus und die WTO: die Tellerreisen-Verordnung der EG im Lichte der "Shrimps/Turtle"-Entscheidung, in: ZEuS 1/2001, pp. 97-126.
Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-36
Quick, Reinhard, The community's regulation in leg-hold traps: creative unilateralism made compatible with WTO law through bilateral negotiations? in: Bronckers, M. (ed.), New directions in international economic law, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2000, pp. 239 - 257.
Europa-Institut: BB 1-1-100
Quick, Reinhard/Blüthner, A., Has the Appellate Body Erred? An Appraisal and Criticism of the Ruling in the WTO Hormones Case, in: Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 2, 1999, pp. 603.
Europa-Institut: Z 4-2-6
Quick, Reinhard, International Exhaustion of Patent Rights, in: Les Nouvelles, Journal of the Licensing Society, Volume XXXIII, No. 4, 1998.
Quick, Reinhard/Bronckers, M., What is a Countervailable Subsidy under EEC Law?, in: 23 Journal of World Trade, No. 6, 1998, pp. 5.
Quick, Reinhard, The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade in the Context of the Trade and Environment Discussions, in: Bourgeois, J./Berrod, F./Fornier, G (eds.), The Uruguay Round Results, A European Lawyer´s Perspective, Brüssel, 1995, pp. 311.
Quick, Reinhard, I risultati dell'Uruguay Round del GATT e l'istituzione dell'organizzazione mondiale del commercio, in: La Comunità Internazionale, Volume XLIX, 1994, pp. 675.
Quick, Reinhard, L'Importance des Résultats des Négociations Commerciales Multilatérales du Cycle d'Uruguay pour la Profession Juridique, in: Cahier du Juriste, No. 6, 1994, pp. 81.
Quick, Reinhard, Der Gemeinschaftsrahmen für staatliche Umweltbeihilfen, in: EuZW, 20/1994, pp. 620.
Quick, Reinhard, Calculation of Subsidy, in: Bourgeois, J. (ed.), Subsidies and International Trade, A European Lawyer's Perspective, 1991, pp. 83.
Quick, Reinhard, The European Chemical Industry and 1992: Views of a Global Industry, in: 11 Michigan Journal of International Law, 1990, pp. 544 - 548.
Quick, Reinhard/Horlick, G./Vermulst, E., Government Actions Against Domestic Subsides, in: Legal Issues of European Integration, 1986/1, pp. 1 - 51.
Herausgeberschaft | Editorship
Quick, Reinhard/Govaere, I./Bronckers, M., Trade and Competititon Law in the EU and Beyond, Cheltenham, 2011.
Europa-Institut: EG 8-83
Quick, Reinhard, Exportselbstbeschränkungen und Artikel XIX GATT, Köln, 1983.
Europa-Institut: BB 4-1-8
Kurzbeiträge, Konferenzberichte, Rezensionen und Papers | Short Contributions, Conference Reports, Reviews and Papers
Quick, Reinhard/Das, I, A Reply to Aaron Cosbey’s Comment on our CBAM Post, in: International Economic Law and Policy Blog, 2023.
Quick, Reinhard, Das, I. The EU’s CBAM-Regulation stands in contrast to fundamental EU-obligations under the Paris Agreement, in: International Economic Law and Policy Blog, 2023.
Quick, Reinhard, A Border Carbon Tax or A Climate Tariff, in: International Economic Law and Policy Blog, 2019.
Quick, Reinhard, Eine CO2-Grenzsteuer oder ein Klimazoll?, in: Wirtschaftliche Freiheit - das ordnungspolitische Journal, 2019.
Quick, Reinhard, Die CETA Ratifizierung: Eine Achterbahnfahrt, in: Wirtschaftliche Freiheit - das ordnungspolitische Journal, 2017.
Quick, Reinhard/d’Argent, P./Bronckers, M., ?????????? Trading togherter declaration
Quick, Reinhard, TTIP weder „tot“ noch “light”, aber reicht die Zeit, in: Wirtschaftliche Freiheit - das ordnungspolitische Journal, 2016.
Quick, Reinhard, Aufschrei und Wirklichkeit – Was ist dran an den Argumenten der Gegner von TTIP, in: Wirtschaftliche Freiheit - das ordnungspolitische Journal, 2016.
Quick, Reinhard, Investorenschutz in TTIP: "Vogel-Strauß-Politik bringt nichts", in: EurActiv.de, 2015.
Quick, Reinhard, Freihandelsabkommen TTIP: Schutz für Investoren, aber richtig, In: ZEIT Online, 2015.