
Monografien | Monographs
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Zurückweisung von Vorabentscheidungsersuchen durch den EuGH, 1. Auflage, Baden-Baden, 2003.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Lack of Legal Certaity for State Aid Beneficiaries and Possible Remedies Under European and German Law - Diss., Harvard, 1998.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Der European Media Freedom Act als intra-vires-Rechtsakt, in: EuZW 2023, S. 49-50.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Binnenmarkt: European Media Freedom Act („EMFA“), in: EuZW 2022, S. 1083.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi/Triantafyllou, Dimitros, The European Commission: The clock master of the European Union internal market, in: Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.), 70 years of EU Law, Luxemburg, 2022, S. 307 ff.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi,  Digital Justice at the European Court of Justice after Covid-19: Solving the ‘Smaller Questions’ to Tackle the ‘Big Questions’, in: Hess, Burkhard/Sarmiento, Daniel/Ruiz Fabri, Hélène (eds.), Yearbook on Procedural Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembrug, 2022, S. 31 - 54.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi et al., European Integration - Quo vadis: A critical judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court of May 5, 2020, in: International Journal of Constitutional Law, Heft 1/2021, S. 188 ff.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, La fine degli arbitrati d’investimento tra Stati membri, in: Manzini, Pietro/Vellano, Michele (eds.), Unione Europea 2020, I dodici mesi che hanno segnato l’integrazione europea, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2021, S. 199-228.
  • Dietze, Jan/Kellerbauer, Manuel/Klamert, Marcus/Malferrari, Luigi/Scharf, Tibor/Schnichels, Dominik, Europa - Quo vadis: ein kritischer Kommentar zum EZB-Urteil des BVerfG, in: EuZW, Heft 12/2020, S. 525-530.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Corona-Krise und EuGH: mündliche Verhandlungen aus der Ferne und in Streaming, in: EuZW, Heft 10/2020, S. 393 ff.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi/Spina, Alessandro, A virtual court in Luxembourg? The issues of digital technologies and webstreaming for hearings before the CJEU, in: EU Law Live, 33.2020, p. 7-15.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Niederlassungsfreiheit: Inlandssitz von Zertifizierungseinrichtungen, in: EuZW, Heft 16/2015, S. 640 ff.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Case note on the ECJ's judgment of 16 June 2015 in Case C-593/13 Rina Services, in: EuZW, 16.2015, S. 638-641.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Dienstleistungsfreiheit: Unionsrechtswidrigkeit einer Vorab-Meldepflicht für Erbringer grenzüberschreitender Dienstleistungen - Limosa, in: EuZW, Heft 6/2013, S. 234 ff.
    Europa-Institut: Z 4-1-22
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Um letzte und vorletzte Worte: Zum geplanten Zusammenwirken von EGMR und EuGH nach dem Beitritt der EU zur EMRK, in: EuZW, Heft 22/2011, S. 849 ff.
    Europa-Institut: Z 4-1-22
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  • Kohler, Christian/Malferrari, Luigi, Translation into German of Art. 3 of the draft treaty regarding the accession of the EU to the ECHR, in: EuZW, 23.2011.
    Europa-Institut: Z 4-1-22
  • Malferrari, Luigi/Lerche, Christoph, Staatliches Kartell- und Fusionskontrollverfahrensrecht - Italienische Republik, in: Terhechte, Jörg (Hrsg.), Internationales Kartell- und Fusionskontrollverfahrensrecht, Bielefeld, 2008, S. 580-604.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, La tutela del diritto di proprietà secondo il diritto comunitario, in:  Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, 61.2.2007, S. 561-584.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Annulment Actions by Third Parties Against Decisions of the Italian Competition Authority Held Admissible. Change in the Italian Case Law: Only a Positive Development or the Opening of a Pandora's Box, in: European competition law review, 2006, S. 74-81.
  • Kokott, Juliane/Malferrari, Luigi, La giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee in materia fiscale: la limitazione degli effetti nel tempo delle sentenze [The ECJ’s case-law in the fiscal field: limitation of the temporal effects of judgments], in: Giurisprudenza italiana, 2006, S. 1787-1792.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, The Functional Representation of the Individual's Interests Before the EC Courts: The Evolution of the Remedies System and the Pluralistic Deficit in the EC, in: Indiana Journals of Global Legal Studies, 2.2005, S. 667-710.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Lack of Competition in the Italian Postal Sector, in: European Competition Law Review, 2004, S. 48-51.
  • Lerche, Christoph/Malferrari, Luigi, Niedergang und Wiederaufleben des Plaumann-Tests: Jüngste Entwicklungen und Zukunftsperspektiven hinsichtlich der Zulässigkeit der Nichtigkeitsklage von Privatpersonen gemäß Art. 230 EG [Decline and resurgence of the Plaumann test: the latest developments and future prospects for the admissibility of annulment actions of private parties under Art. 230 EC], in: Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht, 2003, S. 254-264.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Rapporto tra giudici nazionali e giurisdizione comunitaria [The relationship between national judges and the EC judiciary], in: Di Federico/Giuseppe (ed.), Corso di ordinamento giudiziario, Milano, 2002, S. 133-155.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, The “Rebellion” of the Italian Corte di Cassazione against the Francovich Decision of the ECJ, in: Weiler, Joseph H. H. (ed.), Introduction to the Law and Institutions of the European Union. Teaching Materials for 2002, Unit 4, S. 32-34.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Non sono aiuti di Stato i vantaggi pubblici che compensano i costi aggiuntivi sostenuti da imprese per adempiere obblighi di servizio pubblico - Nota alla sentenza Ferring del 22 novembre 2001 [The public advantages that compensate undertakings for the extra costs arising from public service obligations do not constitute State aid - Case note on the Ferring judgment of 22 November 2001], in: Diritto industriale, 2002, S. 163-167.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Neues zur Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Kommission und nationaler Gerichtsbarkeit auf dem Gebiet des Wettbewerbs und zum Verhältnis zwischen der Nichtigkeitsklage und dem Vorabentscheidungsverfahren–Anmerkungen zum Urteil des EuGH in der Rechtssache Masterfoods, in: Zeitschrift für Europarecht, 4.2001, S. 605-616.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Decisione della Corte Costituzionale tedesca nel caso delle banane: piena fiducia alla Corte di giustizia nel campo della protezione dei diritti fondamentali [Decision of the German Constitutional Court in the bananas case: full confidence in the ECJ on human rights protection], in: Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, 2000, S. 1473-1478.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, State liability for violation of EC law in Italy: the reaction of the Corte di Cassazione to Francovich and future prospects in light of its decision of July 22, 1999, No. 500, in: ZaöRV, 59.1999, S. 809-838.
    Europa-Institut: Z 3-1-27
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Die Soziale Diemension der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, in: Journal of International Law, 2.1998, S. 425-426.
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  • Malferrari, Luigi, Le statut juridique de l'euro dans la perspective du droit allemand, européen et international, in: Cahiers de droit europeen, 5.1998, S. 509-560.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, in: Evans, Andrew (ed.), EC Law of State Aid, Oxford, 1997.
    Europa-Insitut: EQ 2-2-1
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Gewaltenteilung, Gesetzgebung und Rechtssicherheit in der jüngsten italienischen Verfassungsrechtsprechung [Checks and balances, legislation and legal certainty in the recent case-law of the Italian Constitutional Court], in: Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift, 1997, S. 303-310.
  • Malferrari, Luigi, Translation into German of the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court No. 360 of 1996, in: Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift, 1997, S. 360-362.

Book review of A. Evans, EC Law of State Aid, 1997, 484 pages, European Journal of International Law 1998, Vol.

Book review of A. Barbera & C. Fusaro, Corso di diritto pubblico, 2001, p. 417, Heidelberg Journal of International Law 2002, 853-854


Organization of a seminar at the Legal Service of the European Commission on “Rights of legal persons under Art. 6 ECHR”, by Prof. Katharina Pawel, professor at the U. of linz and ad-hoc judge at the ECtHR, 11/11/2011


Roundtable “Civil society: empowerment and accountability”, organized by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, 13 September 2022, StrasbourgDigital justice at the CJEU after Covid-19, as part of the Forum on procedural law of the CJEU
Max-Planck-Institute for procedural law in Luxembourg, 19 April 2021

Herausforderungen des EU-Binnenmarktrechts, Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration, 18 November 2020

Fundamental rights and free movement in the EU: tension, reconciliation and convergence, Summer school organized by University of Bologna, King’s College and University of Strasbourg
28 June 2019, Bologna (Italy)EU remedies for intra-EU investments – perspectives and solutions, Workshop organized for investors by the European Commission, 17 December 2018, Brussels (Belgum)

The Preliminary Ruling Procedure before the Court of Justice of the EU, workshop organized by UNHCR for Greek administrative judges, 30 November 2018, Athens (Greece)

Investment protection under EU law, international workshop organized at the law faculty of the University of Tours (France), 9 November 2018

The future of investment arbitration within the EU after Achmea, international conference organized by the in-house lawyer association IADC, Rome, 10 October 2018

Judgment of ECJ in Case C-284/16 Achmea v Slovak Republic, DG GROW training series, 5 July 2018 (together with Tim Maxian-Rusche)

Judgment of ECJ in Case C-284/16 Achmea v Slovak Republic, Legal Service lunch conference, 29 June 2018 (together with Tim Maxian-Rusche)

Schutz von Investoren und EU-Binnenmarktrecht in light of the Achmea judgment, Universität Mannheim,
2 May 2018

Judgment of ECJ in Case C-284/16 Achmea v Slovak Republic, European Commission Expert Group on intra-EU investment environment, 23/3/2018 (together with Tim Maxian-Rusche)

Neue europäische Rechtsprechung und Trends zum Trends zum Schutz von Investoren im EWR-Binnenmarkt, Universität Liechtenstein
17 January 2018

Neue Rechtsprechung des EuGH zur Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit (und anderen Grundfreiheiten) und die Auswirkungen auf den EWR [Recent case law on free movement of capital (and other fundamental freedoms) and its repercussions on the EEA], 24/2/2015, University of Liechtenstein

L'interazione tra misure pubbliche e diritto della concorrenza alla luce della recente giurisprudenza [The interaction between public measures and competition law in light of recent case law], 19/9/2014, Italy's Competition Authority

Teoria e prassi del diritto della concorrenza [Theory and practice in competition law], 20/5/2013, University of Bologna, Italy

Panelist at the lecture "The Preliminary Reference Procedure before the EFTA Court - Taking Stock and Reform Considerations" by Judge Prof. Carl Baudenbacher, 28/11/2011, University of Liechtenstein

The protection of fundamental rights in the EU after the future accession to the European Convention of Human Rights, 18/6/2012, European Commission, Brussels

The functions and role of the Legal Service within the European Commission decision-making, 8/12/2011, European Commission, Brussels

Intervention at the conference Das Vorabentscheidungsverfahren vor dem EFTA-Gerichtshof [The preliminary reference procedure before the EFTA Court], 28/11/2011, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

La direttiva servizi e la sua attuazione in Italia [The Services Directive and its implementation in Italy], 9/5/2011, Florence (event organized by the EU, the Italian government and the European university Institute)

Provisions of the Services Directive with Direct Effect, 22/3/2010, conference by the Academy on European Law on The State of play in implementation of the Services Directive, Brussels

Course of 16 hours at the summer academy “Comparative Constitutional Adjudication” for clerks from national constitutional and supreme courts, University of Trento, from 2006 – present. Topics: Gender equality (2006); The “costs” of constitutional adjudication (2007); Human rights compatibility of international acts in a globalized world: old questions, new answers? (2008, replaced by Alberto Alemanno); Right to strike v. right to an economic activity: striking the balance in a globalized socio-liberal Europe? (2009).

Provisions of the Services Directive which might have direct effect, 20/11/2009, 7th Annual Conference on EU Law, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

Geltendes und künftiges Europarecht für Dienstleistungen im Sicherheitsgewerbe: Eine Skizze aus der Perspektive der Europäischen Kommission [Current and future EU law on private security services: an outline from the European Commission's perspective], 18/11/2009, Experten-Workshop "Private Sicherheitsdienste im europäischen Wettbewerb", Industrie- und Handelskammer, Berlin

Die Dienstleistungsrichtlinie – Einführung in die gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Grundlagen des Einheitlichen Ansprechpartners [The Services Directive – Introduction to the EU law basics about the Points of Single Contact], 28/5/2009, Der einheitliche Ansprechpartner in Nordrhein-Westfalen - rechtliche Grundlagen und praktische Umsetzung, Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW

The Services Directive: what is waiting Slovenia before and after the implementation deadline and the progress in other Member States, 20/3/2009, Conference on European and comparative law, Portorož (Slovenia)

Comitology under the Services Directive, 10/2/2009, Services Directive Expert Group meeting, Centre Borschette, Brussels

Various presentations to visitors and students about cases and procedure at the ECJ, 2004-2008, European Court of Justice, Luxembourg

Il diritto comunitario del mercato interno nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia delle CE: libera circolazione di merci, persone, capitali, servizi e libertà di stabilimento [EC Common Market law: free circulation of goods, persons, capital, services and freedom of establishment in the light of the ECJ’s case law], 2/2/2008, Fondazione forense di Rimini [Bar foundation in Rimini (Italy)]

Borderline cases in EC common market law: Old Questions, new answers?, 27/4/2007, Riga Graduate School of Law

Gli aspetti pratici del lavoro alla Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee [The pratical aspects of the work at the ECJ], 10/4/2006, University of Bologna (within Prof. Paolo Biavati’s course on Procedural EU law)

La ricevibilità delle questioni pregiudiziali ai sensi dell’art. 234 CE [The admissibility of preliminary references under Art. 234 EC], 2/11/2004, University of Bologna

Agere in rem – Protezione della proprietà nell’Europa continentale: Teoria e prassi. Relazione sul diritto comunitario [Agere in rem – The protection of the right to property in Continental Europe: Theory and practice in relation to EC law], 9/10/2004, University of Trento

The functional representation of the individual’s interests before the EC courts, within the conference “Back to Government? The Pluralistic Deficit in Decision-Making Processes and before the Courts”, 11-12/6/2004, University of Trento

La gerarchia delle fonti. Rapporti tra giurisdizione nazionale e corti internazionali [The hierarchy of legal sources. Relationship between national and international courts], Course for Italian judges and public prosecutors organized by the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, 5/12/2003, Rome

The Opinion of Advocate General Alber in the Biret case: direct applicability of WTO rules?, 26/5/2003, Lovells Brussels

Admissibility of annulment actions by private applicants in borderline cases, 29/1/2003, Lovells Brussels

The Roquettes Frères judgment of the ECJ of Oct. 22, 2002, 14/1/2003, Lovells Brussels

Clausole anticoncorrenziali: quando deve suonare il campanello d’allarme [Anti-competitive clauses: when should the alarm bell ring?), 29/10/2002, Lovells Milan

The M6 judgment of the Court of First Instance of Oct. 8, 2002, 15/10/2002, Lovells Brussels

Quelques actions en application du droit européen des affaires [Selected actions brought on the basis of EC business law], 26-27/9/2002, Academy of European Law, Trier

EC law sources, 12/6/2002, Lovells Rome

La tutela dei diritti nell’ordinamento comunitario [Legal protection under EC law], 23/5/2002, Lovells Rome

Merger control under EC and Italian law: taming the beast (together with Christopher Thomas), 15/4/2002, Lovells Milan

The restructuring of the Swissair group under the EC rules on State aid, 6/3/2002, Lovells Brussels

The Wouters decision of the ECJ of Feb. 19, 2002, 26/2/2002, Lovells Brussels

Merger control under EC law, 14/2/2002, Lovells Rome

Die Verfassung der Italienischen Republik [The Constitution of the Italian Republic], 16/7/2001, within Prof. Hans-Joachim Cremer’s course in General State Theory, University of Mannheim

Das italienische Verfassungssystem: ausgewählte Rechtsfragen [The Italian constitutional system: selected questions], 27/6/2000, within Prof. Juliane Kokott’s corse in comparative constitutional and administrative law, University of S. Gallen, Switzerland

Änderung der Staatshaftung in Italien [Changes in the State liability regime in Italy], 2/8/1999, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Law and International Law, Heidelberg

Die Reaktion des italienischen Kassationshofs auf die Francovich-Rechtsprechung des EuGH [The reaction of the Italian Court of Cassation to the ECJ’s Francovich case law], 8/3/1999, Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg

The “Rebellion” of the Italian Corte di Cassazione against the Francovich Decision of the ECJ, 17/11/1997, within Prof. Joseph H. H. Weiler’s course in EC law, Harvard Law School