
Monographien | Monographs

Gortsos, C., Titel, Auflage, Ort, Jahr

Gortsos, C., Legal Aspects of the Single Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: From the establishment of the Eurosystem to the current inflation crisis6th ed., 2023.

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Gortsos, C., The European Banking Regulation Handbook, Volume I: Theory of Banking Regulation, International Standards, Evolution and Institutional Aspects of EU Banking Law, Cham, 2023.

Gortsos, C., Eurobank 1989-2008 - The first 20 years: development with international orientation, Athen, 2022.

Gortsos, C., The Evolution of European (EU) Banking Law under the Influence of (Public) International Banking Law: A Comprehensive Overview, 4th ed., 2022.

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Gortsos, C., European Central Banking Law - The Role of the European Central Bank and National Central Banks under the European Law, Cham, 2020.

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Gortsos, C., The Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) and the Single Resolution Fund (SRF): Legal aspects of the second main pillar of the European Banking Union, 5th ed., 2019.

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Gortsos, C., Legal Aspects of the European Central Bank (ECB) – The ECB within the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS), 2nd ed., 2018.

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Gortsos, C., Stricto Sensu Investor Protection Under the 'MiFID II': A Systematic Overview of Articles 24-30, Cambridge, 2018.

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Gortsos, C., The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) - Legal aspects of the first pillar of the European Banking Union, Athen, 2015.

Gortsos, C., The new EU Directive (2014/49/EU) on deposit guarantee schemes: an element of the European Banking Union, Athen, 2014.

Europainstitut: EQ 5-5-239

Gortsos, C., Introduction to the Law of the Economic and Monetary Union: General Part – Historical Evolution & Institutional Aspects, Athen, 2014.

Gortsos, C., Fundamentals of Public International Financial Law, Baden-Baden, 2012.

Europainstitut: EF 25-89

Gortsos, C./Sethe, R., Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Proceedings of A Colloquium, Zürich, 2023.

Gortsos, C./Blair, W./Zillioli, C., International Monetary and Banking Law in the post COVID-19 World, Oxford, 2023.

Gortsos, C./Busch, D./McMeel, G., Liability of Financial Supervisors and Resolution Authorities, Oxford, 2022.

Gortsos, C./Ringe, W.-G., Financial Stability amidst the Pandemic Crisis: On Top of the Wave, Frankfurt, 2021.

Gortsos, C./Ringe, W.-G., Pandemic Crisis and Financial Stability, Frankfurt, 2020.

Gortsos, C./Stephanou, C./Chryssochoou, D./Hatzopoulos, V./Passas, A., European Governance in Times of Uncertainty/ Gouvernance Européenne en temps incertains, Athen, 2020.

Gortsos, C./Monokoussos, P., Resolving private sector insolvency: The experience of the EU periphery and the case of Greece, Cham, 2017.

Gortsos, C./Binder, J.-H., Banking Union: A Compendium, Baden-Baden/München/Oxford, 2016.

Gortsos, C./Rokas, N./Mikroulea, A./Livada, C., Fundamentals of banking law: public and private banking law, 3rd ed., Athen, 2016.

Gortsos, C./Chardouvelis, G., The global crisis, the euro area crisis and the Greek financial system, 2011.

Gortsos, C./Binder, J.-H./Ohler, C./Lackhoff, K., European Banking Union, München/Oxford/Baden-Baden, 2022.