T3 Bootstrap ist ein perfektes Thema für Entwickler und Designer, aber auch für jemanden, der nur eine neue Website für sein Unternehmen haben möchte. Probieren Sie es jetzt!
Sofort einsatzbereite Vorlagen werden mit vorgefertigtem Design, Inhalt und Erweiterungen geliefert, die in wenigen Minuten live geschaltet werden können
T3 Bootstrap is responsive by default, but takes responsive design by giving you complete control over every design setting on mobile device. This allows you to perfectly tailor the appearance of each element on computers, tablets and smart phones
T3 Bootstrap is a super customizable TYPO3 theme with many predesigned concepts to kick things off quickly and effortlessly. No matter what you plan on starting, it is an all-in-one solution for your websites that is ready for any challenge.
When comes to website development, the tools, features, plugins and add-ons are limitless. A smart financial decision would be to find a package that includes as many essential features as possible. Bootstrap template can fill almost any role.