Contributions for the Jean Monnet Saar Science Blog welcome - Submit now!
Jean Monnet Saar is an academic blog that has been run for over ten years by Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich, LL.M. (Univ. of Virginia) and his team at Saarland University. The publications on the blog in German and English make an active contribution to the open access transformation of academic publishing in order to make European law and developments in European integration accessible to a broad public.
We invite all interested parties to submit academic articles in German or English for publication on the blog at
- Saar Case Notes (collection of comments on current judgments relating to European and international law)
- Saar Briefs: Concise scientific analyses (max. 4,000 words)
- Saar Blueprints: E-paper series for young academics (4,000-6,000 words)
- Saar Expert Papers: Technical contributions from experts (4,000-10,000 words)
For queries or the submission of contributions, please use jeanmonnetsaar(at)
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